Edgar Ioannis Avetikyan

Edgar was born and raised in Greece by his Armenian parents. He started athletics at the age of 6. When he started dancing at the age of 12, his parents were opposed to it because he was taking additional English classes on top of his school obligations, and was already doing athletics, so a dance school was not something they could afford. After a few months, he gave up dancing. But those few months had already changed his life, and he secretly started dancing again shortly thereafter, hoping he would be able to pay the dance school fees later. Quickly recognizing his talent, the school then offered him a scholarship.

At the age of 18, he moved to Athens to pursue professional dance studies. This included classical dance as well as contemporary and Latin American dance. Then, at the age of 22, he began freelancing as a contemporary dancer for dance companies, dance theater groups and, in his final year, in a musical in Greece. During this time he also taught contemporary dance for children and adults himself.

He has created two of his own dance theater pieces for children and last year showed his own choreographic work at a festival in Greece.

Since 2022 Edgar is now a permanent ensemble member of the wee dance company of the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.

with wee dance:
Silver - dance gala for the 25th anniversary of the wee dance company
Peter Pan
Choris Voces