
graphical overview

full evenings

Silver Wabi-Sabi Leo­nard Bern­stein's Peter Pan Ja­woll! Momo by Mi­chael Ende Zer­rin­ne­rung Phoe­nix Ego­versum DE FESCHE MODE The Little Match Girl Whereof One Cannot Speak Wonder­land Typical… The Rite of Spring Rendering iHome In the Name of the Rose The Little Mermaid AQUA Romeo & Juliet Alpha 1 Dance. A Play Black, No Sugar There's Time the butterfly defect Next Door plan b Äug

short pieces evenings

Cho­ris Vo­ces wee are twenty! Venus Watch Out: Glass! Bach (e)motions Short Transit Görlitz-Zittau Jaffa-Berlin Short Transit

short pieces

Tangled Happily Ever After Quattro Balli Q Box Grass­hopper No Strings De torrente Blocked Let's Sleep On It Old Hat Drop Detour(by guest choreo­grapher Tomi Paasonen)
Tram(by guest choreo­grapher Gundula Peuthert)
Diskutanz(for the Tanztheater Görlitz, ballet director: Gundula Peuthert)