Leonard Bernstein's
Peter Pan
▪ trailer ▪ press
We are eviler far than the tenors are!
It is true that the basses have eviler faces, but we are more evil inside!
from Leonard Bernstein's lyrics, "Pirate Song"
For our Peter Pan, growing up literally means having completed the growth phase of life and thus entering a phase of stagnation. Peter, on the other hand, embraces perpetually sustaining the childlike and youthful natural state of discovering, learning and developing.
musik, lyrics: Leonard Bernstein
mu­si­cal di­rec­tion: Ewa Strusińska
con­cept, stage di­rec­tion, choreo­graphy: Dan Pelleg, Marko E. Weigert
con­duc­tors: Ewa Strusińska,
Ulrich Kern,
Albert Seidl
Peter a.k.a. Peter Pan:Filippo Nannucci / Jacob Borchert Vahlun
Wendy Darling:Brieann Pasko
Tacitus a.k.a. Captain Hook:Buyan Li
Belle a.k.a. Tinkerbell:Gilda De Vecchis / Elise de Heer
Lily a.k.a. Tigerlilly:Sara Nicastro / Nora Hageneier / Gianna Sargent
Charles a.k.a. Curly:Rafail Boumpou­chero­poulos / Jacob Borchert Vahlun / Filippo Nannucci
Michael a.k.a. Mystic Mike:Eefje van den Bergen
John a.k.a. Johnny Jump:Edgar Ioannis Avetikyan
Mary Darling:Cordula Archner
Georg Darling / Stan a.k.a. Starkey:Won Jang /Jan Fackelmann
Samuel a.k.a. Smee:Heiko Vogel / Carsten Arbel
Older boys from the dormitory next door,as lost children: Jun Wang / Lorenzo Rispolano / Jesper Sandvik
as pirates:Hyeongwoo Kim / Daewoo Park, Keon Lee / Hung-Kwan Keung
Older girls from the dormitory next door,as lost children: Elise de Heer / Gilda De Vecchis, Nora Hageneier / Sara Nicastro, Gianna Sargent, Ruri Wakiyama
as mermaids:Julia Pietrusewicz / Katja Woite, Liga Jankovska / Mi Seon Kim, Hui-Ting Yu / Adrienn Balázs
dra­ma­turg: André Meyer
set and cos­tume de­sign: Markus Pysall
sound­scapes, sound en­gi­neer: Florent Léo Chaintiou
op­era choir mas­ter:Albert Seidl
mu­si­cal coa­ching: Olga Dribas / Alexandra Borodulina / JaeHong Ryu
Ger­man tran­sla­tion of ly­rics:Isolde Ruck
du­ra­tion: ca. 85 Min.
pre­miere / world pre­miere as dance piece: 21. Januar 2024, GHT Görlitz Zittau / Großes Haus Görlitz
special thanks to Frank Harders-Wuthenow and Heiko Cullmann at Boosey & Hawkes, Craig Urquhart at the Leonard Bernstein Office, and a warm, existential thank you Alexander Frey.
with the friendly support of HOY-REHA Görlitz GmbH, Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesin, Landskron